
Here are a few helpful student tools to explore Temple majors:


The Undergraduate Bulletin contains information on every major, minor, and certificate program at Temple. Use the list of subjects under Schools, Colleges, and Divisions to find the requirements of any program.

Career Center

Your major does not determine your career. However, the career search can inform the major search. The career center offers several online tools for exploring majors and careers. Visit the Explore Majors and Careers page for more information.

Major Explorer

The Major Explorer in TUPortal (under the DUS tab) displays GenEd waivers, exploratory courses, and other useful information for each major at Temple. Use this tool to save time when comparing majors and planning for priority registration.


The Degree Audit Reporting System or DARS allows students to see which program requirements have been met and which remain. Undeclared students in University Studies use DARS to view GenEd requirements. Once you declare a major, those requirements will also appear in your DARS report.

Major Survey for AI Prompt

Complete a short survey about your academic skills, interests, activities, and preferences, to generate a ChatGPT prompt that will be emailed to you and your advisor.  You can copy and paste this prompt into a large language model like ChatGPT to generate a list of recommended majors that you can discuss with your academic advisor.